Sunday, August 31, 2008

The impact of your positive thoughts

Every positive thought is like a drop of water. Imagine that your consciousness is a bottle of impure water. Drop pure, positive thoughts in. Each drop purifies the water until the entire bottle is filled with pure water.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Which part of yourself do you identify with?

Which part of yourself do you identify with? If you don’t want to workout or you think it’s too hard, it’s because you identify with yourself the way you are . . your identity is that of someone who doesn’t work out. When you shift your identity to someone who loves to exercise, you’ll find that you can’t not move – you'll feel compelled to exercise in one way or another.

If you look within you may discover that there's a part of you that wants to exercise and a part of you that does not. The action you ultimately take or don't take will depend on which part you identify with. I encourage you to make the choice that takes you to where you want to go and most importantly, believe in yourself!