Wednesday, April 22, 2009


"Every human being is the artificer of his own fate - Events, circumstances, etc., have their origin in ourselves. They spring from seeds which we have sown."
-Henry David Thoreau (1817-1862)

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Are You Dancing With Joy?

I love this article by Marta Davidovich Ockuly and wanted to share it with you. May it remind you to connect with your inner joy no matter where you are in this moment on your journey to health and wellness. Regards, Rena

Are you dancing with joy?

Many of us are feeling called to “live our purpose” - but what is it? We have many interests. Great ideas. Varied passions. But the big questions is…”What were we born to do?”

As a person who has taught/coached/counseled people on this very topic for the past ten years, I’ve made an interesting discovery. Joy can lead us to our purpose - baby step by baby step. It does not require quitting our current job, or moving someplace else, or getting a divorce, or meeting our soulmate. It is about putting the top of our daily priority list.

Giving ourselves J.O.Y. (just one yes) affirms our worthiness and sets in motion an army of ‘helpers’ dedicated to alligning us with everything we need to claim our destiny. We were all born to express our joy in totally unique ways. Joy is anything that makes your heart sing. It is always harmless. And joy cannot be present if you try to impose your will on another. It’s all about you and expressing your unique self in a way that makes a positive difference in the world.

If I ask, “what aggravates you?” or “what drives you crazy?” you could probably rattle off a list of things. When I ask “what brings you joy?” what comes up? Honestly? If you are like most people, very little comes to mind. It takes a bit of prompting because we are not raised in a culture that values joy. Given a few prompts you could come up with some things. The more you think about what brings you joy, the more joy will show up in your life.

Thinking about joy and visualizing joy are geat first steps, but they only go so far. Creative action is what stimulates joy attraction.

Every one of us is a magical ‘creator’. We literally attract what we think (or worry) about the most. What we think about expands - so it’s just plain smart to spend time every day thinking about people, places and things that bring you joy. I want to share with you a simple tool I call a ‘joy magnet mandala’. The more you use it, the more joy will come rushing into your life.

It’s easy. Just take a sheet of blank paper. Draw a heart or circle in the center big enough to hold the words: MY JOYS and the date. Next draw lines out all around the shape until it looks like a sun you might have drawn in kindergarden. Now write something that brings you joy on each line.

Your joy list can include things you love: massages, your lover’s kiss, the sound of a loved ones’ laughter, your favorite music, flowers, fragrances, or foods. Add activities you enjoy: hiking, biking, jogging, beach walks, boating, cruising, golf, dancing, sex, yoga, whatever. Include a place (or places) in the world you’d love to visit and sights that always make you smile like: sunsets, rainbows, butterflies, waterfalls, the mountains, the ocean, the high dessert, or anyplace in the world that calls to you, wildlife that charms you, your pets, your hobbies, your cherished goals, and something you dream of accomplishing. Notice how more joys show up the longer you spend thinking about your joys.

Now comes the magical step. Hang your joy mandala up somewhere you’ll see it every day. The bathroom mirror works great. Next, promise yourself to look at your joy mandala every day and commit to taking one ‘creative joy action’ daily. It can be something as small as sniffing a favorite scent you listed among your joys, or checking out a trip itinerary on-line for a location you’d love to visit.

Making joy a priority will stimulate many positive changes. Notice joys as they show up in big and little ways in your life and express gratitude. Make choices based on what brings you joy. Try new things, even if they feel scary. Joy will stimulate positive change in your life and lead you, baby step by baby step, in the direction of your dreams.

Remember…dancing with joy starts with Just One Yes. Go for it!

By: Marta Davidovich Ockuly and

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

The Power of Your Mind

"The only place where your dream becomes
impossible is in your own thinking."

- Robert H. Schuller
 - Minister and
Author Norman Vincent Peale

Friday, April 3, 2009

The Power to Choose

"Whatever you have experienced in your life is carved in stone. But today--at this very moment--you have the power to make the shift from where you are to where you want to be. You are never stuck . . . you always have a choice. You just have to give yourself permission to grow, to love, to thrive."